Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Cloudy With a Chance of Pancakes

Hi everybody! This is Leah. We had a very full, fun-packed day of service today. In case you were unaware, today is sometimes known as Fat Tuesday, and is traditionally celebrated with pancakes. We were welcomed into the Hamilton L’Arche community just as warmly as we were welcomed to Daybreak. We started out our day at the Welcome Inn Community Centre, serving a lunch of pancakes to senior citizens. They were very excited, and a bit confused as to why we had traveled all the way from Erie to serve them pancakes. The Welcome Inn provides many other services as well, such as an emergency food bank, financial literacy classes, and a tutoring program for school-aged children. After cleaning up from lunch, the seniors went to play BINGO, and we went to visit a different program associated with the Community Centre, the New Horizons Thrift Store. This second-hand store provides not only affordable goods to those in the community, but a place to build relationships and hone skills. While we were there, we took a few minutes to assist in organizing the children’s toys that were on sale. From there, we took a tour of not only L’Arche Hamilton, but of the surrounding city as well. We paused for a minute during our sightseeing to visit the first Tim Horton’s store. It is quite the landmark, and as always, provided unrivaled coffee. We didn’t stay long, though, and we went to a local church to start setting up for a pancake dinner put on for the L’Arche community. We helped with setting up and cooking the food, and soon after we got there, the core members and assistants began to arrive as well. The festivities were very authentic, with Mardi Gras masks, dancing, and even a pi <- This is where JK's computer died on our van ride home from Hamilton. Stay tuned for the rest of the story!!

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