Saturday, February 24, 2018

Welcome to Hamilton!


We have officially departed today for Hamilton, Ontario.  We were graciously given a blessing by Fr.  George before we departed for a safe and special trip. He prepared for us a mission statement that we all participated in to further enrich our journey. We left around noon this afternoon from the Gannon arch and arrived safely in the city of Hamilton around four o'clock. The group enjoyed munchies and snacks from Alli's "snack pack" along the way.

Once we arrived at Sherman House (our home base in Hamilton), we were introduced to all of the core members and assistants in the house. They were all very friendly and inviting. We joined them for dinner and enjoyed Pita Pit subs. Afterwards, we relaxed and settled in by immersing ourselves in a puzzle and were treated to manicures by one of the core members. There definitely were many laughs and smiles that were had by all.

The group ended the night with a reflection. We watched an informative TED talk about realizing one's abilities and inabilities in life and concluded with personal journaling.


1 comment:

  1. Have fun and soak in the experience! L'Arche life is one of beauty and growth! My prayers are with you this week! -Anna Lacy
