Our first full day in Ontario at L'Arche was eventful! We began the day with mass at St. Joseph's Parish, which has a special relationship with the L'Arche community here. In addition to the general proceedings of Mass, there were special musical guests from Estonia (a bass player, a pianist, and a trumpet).
After mass, we returned to the Sherman House (our home away from home) to relax before an adventure around Hamilton with the Sherman House. Our first stop on our adventure was Tim Horton's. (Little known fact: Hamilton is home to the very first Tim Horton's.) While at Tim Horton's, we met with other members of L'Arche homes around Hamilton and enjoyed a delicious meal (with the addition of Tim Bits and coffee of course).

We then returned to the Sherman House before dinner. From there, we split off to different homes around Hamilton to eat dinner and visit with the Core members. ABST members visited the Holton House, Cornerstone House, and Charbonneau House for dinner. At each house, memories that will last a lifetime were created at this time with the Core members.
The group reconvened at the Sherman House after dinner for reflection, which focused on celebration and community in the context of L'Arche.
Tune in tomorrow to hear about our day!
~Lydia :)
God bless you on your travels