Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Little to No Lows

The fourth complete day of our amazing trip to L'Arche Ontario has come to an end and as we think back on today, we realize how lucky we really are to be here. 

At the end of every night we have done a "High, Low, and Moment Closest to the Sacred." During this time we name a moment during the day that we had a very high point, a lower point, and a moment that we feel truly connected (mind, body, and spirit) to the people around us. 

Let's review each.

High: Connecting with the core members through the creation of art at L'Arche Hamilton's Day Program, sharing a home cooked meal with the core members, getting to know some of the assistants better, sharing the same energy as one of the core members, connecting on an even more personal level with the people who's house we've been staying in, laughing about soup, truly working as a team to help set up and tear down multiple events and do dishes quickly, capturing some of these amazing moments on camera so we are able to look back and remember these awesome times, walking to and from multiple events with the core members and just getting to spend that extra time with them, cracking up and uncontrollably laughing during a very serious time with one of the core members

Moment Closest to the Sacred: Discovering aspects of our spirituality we didn't know existed, growing closer to God through the L'Arche Lenten Retreat, letting emotions and a simple gesture speak rather than using words, spending time together reflecting on what it means to be successful, powerless, or vulnerable, some of us experiencing an Ash Wednesday service for the very first time, learning what the Lenten season really means, letting the core members open up to us, realizing that adding a positive action to your life can be just as helpful as removing a negative one, connecting on a very powerful level to the lessons that the core members have to teach us, gathering as a group to celebrate life and what God can do for us

Low: realizing how soon our trip is coming to an end

We have been so busy these past few days that it can be extremely draining at times but it is so completely worth it that it doesn't even matter. Even though it's only the end of the fourth complete day, we have all been changed in a very positive way. We now have a better understanding of what it means to be human and what it means to treat another with dignity and respect. We understand better what it means to love another person selflessly and completely. To put it into simpler words, today was wonderful and there was definitely little to no low's.

1 comment:

  1. I love hearing your stories...looks like mostly "highs" to a Mom.
